About Me

Hey there! My name is Amy. I’m a Northern California girl who loves to run, stay active, and bake. This blog is about running/fitness, baking, travel, family, friends, or anything random that pops into my head. Squirrel.

I currently work full-time as a scientist. I got my B.S. in Physiology & Metabolism from U.C. Berkeley (GO BEARS!) and my Masters of Public Health from the George Washington University. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up 😉 , but I know I want to help people!

I live with my husband, Kyle (you can read our story here and his proposal here), our 2 cats, and our puppy! Kyle is my favorite, like smiling is to Buddy the Elf (if you don’t get that reference, we can’t be friends).

Photo Credit: Jennifer Bagwell Photography

Family/friends are the most important things to me ❤

Some other things I love:

my pets (which ARE family), baking, cooking, traveling, arts & crafts

Made these bad boys for K's 23rd birthday
Made these bad boys for K’s 23rd birthday

So, about that running. I randomly decided back in 2009 that I wanted to train for a half marathon. I had never been a serious runner before (I still am not), only running and exercising to lose/maintain weight. Unfortunately, I was in a bad car accident at the beginning of 2010 (on my BF and my 1 year anniversary!) and acquired a lovely bulged disc.

Some lady ran a stop sign and totaled my car :(
Some lady ran a stop sign and totaled my car 😦

It became difficult to run more than 3 miles without bad back pain, so I gave up. I became a (somewhat) consistent 3-mile-runner. Flash-forward to 2013! I started reading running blogs at the beginning of the year, became inspired, and decided to leave my pity party train for a half marathon again! On 10/6/13, my BFF (Shanna) and I ran our first half marathon, the San Jose Rock n’ Roll Half.

sj rnr

I started this blog to document my journey, mainly to keep myself accountable, but also on the off chance I might inspire someone else! For those beginner runners like myself- if I can do it, so can you!

Hopefully you’ll enjoy this (or at least you found an easy way to kill a couple of minutes) and not hate my guts for poor grammar/sense of humor. If you’re looking for an eloquently written piece of literature, probably best to go read a book.




Girls Gone Sporty

Sweat Pink


This blog is meant to be a positive environment. Any comments deemed rude, inappropriate, etc. will be deleted.

I am not a professional (anything). This blog is merely my journey. Please consult an actual professional (e.g. doctor) before starting any sort of fitness program.


26 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Bravo! A great beginning – thanks for the inspiration – I may just start mine on being the sandwich generation and the adventure of aging parents.

  2. Hey Amy, I nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog! I was nominated and in turn nominated you as well as one of the bloggers I enjoy following!

    Have a great day 🙂

  3. Oh no! I am so happy that you’re doing better! And wow half-marathon, way to show them all that you can do it. You are such an inspiration! I just came acros your blog by pure luck, and I am glad I did! All the best!


  4. I thought maybe we could make ginger bread houses, and eat cookie dough, and go ice skating, and maybe even hold hands…

    You will get this, so I guess that means we are friends.

    I love running! So glad to have found your blog!

    1. I’m actually doing my Masters through their online program so I cannot speak about their campus. But I LOVE the online format so far! We work with the actual professors and everything! I cannot wait to visit!

Talk to me!