Giveaway · Life Stuff · Running

2015 Highlights + 2016 Goals

Hi friends!
VERY long time no see. Sorry about that…life got crazy and blogging was put on the back burner.

I promised you a giveaway, which will be posted tomorrow morning. It is already written, so no flaking out this time 😉

2015 was a BIG year for me!

2 half marathons

1 trip to Montana for Kyle’s childhood BFF’s wedding

1 trip to Kauai

2015-09-11 14.19.07-5
Getting tossed around in the ocean 😉

My first duathlon (run bike run)! And came in 3rd place in my AG

2015-09-27 10.37.04 HDR-2

1 kitty adoption

2015-08-10 18.05.08
My guys 🙂 Meet Jax!

AND for the big news (which you already know if you follow me on Instagram), we’re ENGAGED!! I’ll write a full post on this later 😉

2015-11-21 20.39.46
After he proposed, this was taken at his parents’ house where he surprised me by having his family and my family waiting 🙂

2016 goals (in no particular order)

Blog more regularly…
Unfortunately because of my new job, grad school, and now planning a wedding :), I have very little free time. But I really miss blogging and would like to stay on top of it. I’m hoping to post a minimum of 1 post/week.

Set a new PR in the half marathon!
1:57 has been my PR (personal record) for so long and it’s driving me crazy. To be fair, I haven’t deserved a new PR since setting that one. I haven’t properly trained for a half marathon since I set that PR, so I can’t expect to improve. Right? I haven’t picked a race yet, but Kyle said he would help me train. (He isn’t a runner but I think having someone there to motivate you during speed work makes a huge difference).

Plan a wedding!
This one is the most exciting for me! Kyle and I decided on a spring 2017 wedding, so we need to get movin’!

House projects
As you will see tomorrow, Kyle and I have done some minimal (i.e. decoration/painting changes) since moving in to the house we bought in 2014. I would like to continue our house projects in baby stages, as the more we do this, the more our house feels like OUR home!

2015-11-21 13.16.59
Our living room this past Fall, which is mostly complete (minus some art work for the walls).

Alright! Stay tuned! Tomorrow I will have an awesome giveaway related to home decor 🙂

What was the biggest thing that happened to you in 2015?

What are your goals for 2016?

5 thoughts on “2015 Highlights + 2016 Goals

  1. I was just thinking about you and told Rock I miss your blog. AND I am SO excited for you. Congrats. I don’t use Instagram, so I didn’t know. But I had a feeling it was coming and I am so thrilled for you both. Happy wedding planning, it is truly so fun!

  2. Girl, you had a heck of a year- a million congratulations on your engagement, how truly wonderful!
    I have no idea how you are doing all you are, but I can’t wait to read about, I’ve always adored your blog, so glad to see you are back!

Talk to me!