Health · Running

Getting back into running


Wednesday: 4 x 400 m repeats

Thursday & Friday: Active rest days (not on purpose but life happens 😉 )

Saturday: 5 miles- 3 easy + 2 @ 9:00 pace (actual= 3+2 miles: 9:00, 8:45)


Just popping in to say a quick hello!

Right now I’m trying to get back into running. I took some time off because I was feeling burnt out and not enjoying running anymore. It’s not really a hobby if I don’t enjoy it, right?!

I finally feel like I want to train for something (half marathon), but it’s so hard getting back into the swing of things after months of strength training and short 3 mile runs. I’ve written out a training plan, but I find it’s harder to train without being signed up for an actual event. I’m sure some of you can relate!

Anyways, I’m telling all of you this to keep myself accountable! If I (try to) keep posting my workouts, it will keep me motivated to stick with it…at least that’s the plan.

I hope you all enjoy your 3 day weekend!

Who else has lost their running steam?

How do you stay motivated to keep active?

Thanks so much to all of you who participated in my CanvasPop giveaway! The winner was emailed today 🙂

8 thoughts on “Getting back into running

  1. Way to get back at it! It is easy to lose steam with the running, but a good break always helps. I had grand plans to do a 10 miler today. I did 5 and was going to come back to it later, but instead I went shopping and took a nap. Perhaps next Saturday 🙂

  2. That was me after Boston last year! I was soooo disappointed.. However as I prepare for this years Boston marathon Im doing things I’ve haven’t on the past and trying to keep it light and fun (but still competitive). My only downfall…. I’m
    Severely out of shape:( we can take this journey together…. Keep your head up, you will be back in the game before you know it. You got this💪

  3. i’ve been thinking of starting a link-up for my weekly workouts post on Wednesdays as a way to share accountability with other run bloggers, so maybe i’ll do that! good to hear you’re motivated to get back into training for something and i know what that feels like… i feel like the winter months tend to lag and set me back a bit, too. keep pushing on, girlfriend!

Talk to me!