Cross Training · Running · Yoga

My Amazing Yoga Experience – CorePower Yoga Walnut Creek Review

So bummed the weekend is behind us. They fly by so fast! I had a lot of studying to do, but at least Kyle and I got to work a little on house projects/yard work.

I promise I helped
I promise I helped and didn’t just stand there and take photos.

Sounds awful, but we’re still in the “I love to work on the house even if it’s basically chores” phase. I hope to have some DIY projects up on the blog soon. And since I’m always busy now and neglect blogging, hopefully “soon” means this month.

Anyways, I’m trying to get into the half marathon training spirit. I’m doing well with strength training this round, but those speed workouts just make me want to give up.

I might be okay with that.

I realized last week that my half marathon is in 2 months. Whoops, that crept up on me like a bad wedgy. I’m going to attempt to do speed work 2 days a week (1 if I can tell my body needs to take it easy), plus a lot of easy long runs, and my new favorite form of strength training- yoga.

A while back, I tried yoga for the first time with my BFF. I always thought I would hate yoga because my only experience (prior to that class) was yoga in P90X and a unit in PE. And to me, they were both snooze-fests and seemed like a way to say you worked out without actually having to physically exert yourself. Boy was I wrong!

Here we are at my first yoga class (we went to a yoga studio in the city). I fell in love with the vinyasa flow class!

yoga shanna me

Well fast forward to this year- CorePower Yoga recently opened up a studio in Walnut Creek, CA (not to far from me). They generously offered to host a class for my friends/readers (and myself)! I jumped at the opportunity because I had been dying to try another yoga class!

corepower yoga

Their new studio is gorgeous!!!

corepower yoga

My friends/readers and I did a C2 class (heated) with the amazing Sharon and it was FANTASTIC! They have so many different kinds of classes, but here is the C2 description

CorePower Yoga 2 (C2) is a rigorous yoga class with demanding strength postures that will have you moving, breathing and sweating! True to its name, a C2 class focuses on building and engaging your core strength to support you in more advanced postures. Set to energizing music in a heated, climate-controlled room, CorePower Yoga 2 strengthens, balances, detoxifies and exhilarates the body and mind.

I got in a great strength workout, sweat, and stretched out those tight muscles. One weird thing I was worried about before this class was the smell of a heated room. I’m sorry, but when someone says heated yoga, I think of sweaty, overweight men who reek of onions and garlic. Don’t know why. Luckily the studio smelled (surprisingly) amazing and fresh (and we went to a class in the early afternoon).

Anyways, our instructor Sharon had this amazing energy to keep us motivated, and also made me feel comfortable in a more advanced class (even though it was my 2nd yoga class ever). I loved that she walked around and corrected form IF you wanted the help. I even dragged Kyle to the class (who said he hates yoga) and he “didn’t hate it.” 😉 I’ve never felt so good after a workout. Seriously. After the class, I was so energized and relaxed at the same time.

My class was so great that I made my friends from work go to a beginner class later that week. Even though I think the 3 of us could have handled a C2 class, it was great to go to a C1 class and learn the basics. C2 is still my favorite so far, but I loved that C1 was still challenging and helped me learn the basics (but without being boring).

We debated using their amazing showers in the locker room after class, but decided we wanted to avoid traffic and just hit the road. We may or may not have sat on towels in my car to prevent nasty sweat from getting all over my seats. I’m an awesome host.

corepower yoga corepower yoga

If you’re a yoga lover or debating trying yoga for the first time- GO TO COREPOWER YOGA!! I promise it’s an amazing experience! I’m so excited to see how this will affect my running journey.

If you’ve never tried it- here’s a referral coupon you can use for a free 1 week trial!! (Feel free to put Amy T@FitnessMeetsFrosting, but no worries if you don’t 🙂 )

A huge thanks to CorePower Yoga for hosting a wonderful event for my friends and myself!

corepower yoga

This post was sponsored by CorePower Yoga. All opinions are my own.

What are your thoughts on yoga- I promise, no judging here!

Do you practice yoga regularly?

How do you strength train?

21 thoughts on “My Amazing Yoga Experience – CorePower Yoga Walnut Creek Review

  1. Holy moly that place looks amazing! They should open one in PA! I would go all the time. I love a good yoga class. I feel just like you said, amazing and relaxed everytime I finish a class. I’ve been into Yin yoga this year which is super slow and restorative. I used to practice regularly but haven’t as of late but there’s always time to improve! Awesome review!

  2. I love yoga and there is a Core Power about a half mile from me. I have tried all of their classes including their Core Ryder, they have a few studios with their own kind of spin bikes. I too thought yoga looked boring but after the first time I took a vinyasa class I declared to Rock my new found love for yoga. I used to do it a few times a week and have gotten lazy about it. But let me tell you, it seriously will help your running, including endurance!

  3. Hahahaha ha your wedgey comment is precisely why I adore your blog!

    I always always always intend to do yoga more often a.k.a. more then three times every six months.

    Core yoga sounds really enticing though, I think something that helps me get in the strength workout would be great!

  4. My first ever yoga class was a total snoozfest and put me off it for years. But then I moved to SLC, tried out the local studio which offered a whole bunch of classes and totally love it. I still have times where I won’t go for a couple of weeks but it has become a part of my fitness routine. No heated/hot/slightly warm yoga for me though!

  5. I was practice yoga once a week (going to classes) but my hamstring injury put a stop to that. I’m actually hoping to get back next week when my work schedule can hand it. Looks like a great place for yoga!

  6. I think I’m sufficiently recovered from that class to try again! 😉 thank you for that, it was fun (and REALLY sweaty)

  7. wow that studio is gorgeous. i’d definitely check that out. soooo it’s a long-standing internal debate, my thoughts about yoga: i WANT to want to do it, and fit it into my weekly schedule, but i’ve never started or gotten “the yoga bug,” so i just keep putting it off in lieu of more running or boot camps or something high impact. i NEED to get into it, even one class a week or every other week or something. i know it’ll help my stretching and flexibility for running!

  8. I absolutely LOVE Corepower, and not just because there are so many locations and class times in Chicago so it makes it so easy to get a workout in. The facilities are always impeccable and I love all the classes — C2, sculpt (my favorite), and HPF are all great for different reasons, so no matter what I’m looking for, I can get it done there. I’m glad you liked it too! Your studio looks so bright and sunny! How fun 🙂 and I think it’s adorable you’re still excited to do “chores” like that — do as much as you can until that feeling runs out! haha

  9. I used to hate the idea of yoga. Rolling about on the floor with the old folk in Lycra came to mind. However we don’t seem to have classes like that over here but there is LesMills Body balance and I love that! Constantly moving into new poses and it feels like you actually do exercise! I’d love to take an actual yoga class now. But since I went back to college fitting everything in is a pain – I go through moves ive learnt and try new ones now and then but primarily stick to the weight training for strength training 🙂

Talk to me!